About Pre conference course B. An introduction course on biosafety (for a beginner level, WHO the LBM)
Pre conference course B. An introduction course on biosafety (for a beginner level, WHO the LBM)
Daniel Kümin and Kathrin Summermatter
Short description
The role of a biosafety professional (BSP) within an institution is a challenging position. In addition, a BSP very often plays the interface between different activities within a facility including animal handling, engineering, maintenance and cleaning.
Topics covered include a general introduction into basics in biosafety in laboratories. Important biosafety relevant topics such as PPE, cleaning and disinfection, waste management, human factors and tips and tricks for daily work will also be addressed.Does a biosafety officer have to be an all-rounder, a scientist as well as an engineer? What are the problems a BSP is encountering in the daily work and how can these issues be solved in a safe and satisfactory manner?
Does a BSP always have to know the unknown and expect the unexpected?
The workshop is a combination of presentations and group exercises of practical examples from day to day work in a laboratory environment as well as from animal facilities. Participants will learn the basic principles of biosafety and how to apply them in the practical day to day work. Furthermore, participants will have the opportunity to bring along examples from their home institutions.
Main topics
- Introduction tobiosafety
- Personal protective equipment
- Cleaning and disinfection
- Waste Management
- Human Factors / Communication / Tips & Tricks
CWA 16335:2011, annex C reference
C.2.1.2 Principles of biosafety and biosecurity
C. Biological and other hazards in the work area
C. Occupational health and biosafety
C. Containment principles
C. Personal protective equipment
C. Infection control, disinfection, decontamination, and sterilization
C. Biological waste management
C.2.1.3 Biosafety and biosecurity laws, regulations, standards and guidelines, conventions and codes of conduct