About Chemical disinfectants used in laboratories: efficacy spectrum and regulation of their use
Chemical disinfectants used in laboratories: efficacy spectrum and regulation of their use
Instructors: Dr. Suzanne Loret and Dr. Maria Fink
Course length (2:30): two 1-hour parts, with a 15-minute break between them and a final 15-minute discussion
Description: This online course is aimed at offering recommendations regarding the choice of the disinfectant as a function of the material to be treated. Limits of the use of disinfectants will be described, with emphasis on the development of resistance and thus the need to be (re)validated regularly. The other part of the course will focus on the biocide legislation and the regulation of biocides. Learning aims:
- To improve knowledge on the types of laboratory disinfectants available and how to use validate them.
- To give guidance on the practical use of disinfectants and abide by the Biocide product regulations.
- List the major types of laboratory disinfectant
- Describe the mode of action of disinfectants
- Describe how disinfectants are validated for use with pathogens
- Explain the limits of use of disinfectants.
- Describe the impact of the Biocidal Products Regulations that relates to disinfection use in the laboratory setting
CWA 53:2011 (Annex C - training specifications):
- C. Good microbiological techniques (GMT)
- C. Infection control, disinfection, decointamination and sterilization
- C. International regulatory framework, standards, guidelines and conventions