Speakers at Pre conference course H. Biological Waste handling (validation, technical aspects) (2 days)
EBSA course
Pre conference course H. Biological Waste handling (validation, technical aspects) (2 days)
About the speakers
Benjamin Bartram-Sitzius
Academic Education and Degrees B.Eng Bio-Process Engineering at the University of applied Science Frankfurt am Main 2014
Present Professional Position
- Head of central sterilization and inactivation unit at Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI).
- Responsible for validation and testing of autoclave programs at PEI.
- Responsible for decontamination of Bio-Safety-Cabinets with formaldehyde fu-migation and room decontamination with hydrogen peroxide fumigation.
Special Remarks
- Thermal Inactivation of infectious agents in animal carcasses with the use of autoclaves.
- Cooperative studies in the field of thermal inactivation of infectious agent in “bigger” animal carcasses (pigs and calves) with the Friedrich-Löffler-Institute Riems Island.
- Certificated technician for room decontamination with formaldehyde gas and hydrogen peroxide fumigation.
- ABSA Member since 2019.
Maria Fink
Academic Education and Degrees
- PhD in Genetics University of Vienna/Austria
- Diploma in Genetics and Microbiology and Biochemistry in minor; University of Vi-enna/Austria
Present Professional Position
- Biosafety Director at MSD (only until End of May 2022)
Special Remarks/Experience
Trained in Containment Building (ICID & PHAC Winnipeg 2014), Design, construction, and validation of BSL 3 lab, BSL3 vet (incl. FMD) labs and a BSL2 vaccine manufac-turing facility of an international pharmaceutical company, BioRisk Officer of Austrian reference laboratory of emerging infectious animal diseases, Deputy head of depart-ments for high-containment Virology, and Molecular Biology, Experienced with epizo-otic laws and regulations, Research activities in transmission of emerging infectious diseases and in cell biology (signal transduction, mRNA, and WGS techniques), expe-riences in working with different GMOs and GMMOs as well as recombinant proteins. Biosafety Officer of a vaccine manufacturing international pharmaceutical company, Experienced in implementation and managing Industrial hygiene issues in manufactur-ing pharmaceutical company, Certified waste manager (accordance to Austrian waste law) of a vaccine manufacturing site, Dangerous good transportation ADR and IATA
Mark Wheatley
Mark Wheatley is a Biocontainment Engineer, Chartered Building Services Engineer, and a specialist consultant in Containment Laboratory Design, Construction, Operation & Maintenance (since 1998).
Mark is an independent consultant operating internationally providing services tailored to meeting highly specialist needs of companies, organizations, institutions, governments and NGOs worldwide. Marks particular specialism lies in the detailed investigation, fault-finding and remediation of poorly functioning, failing and/or failed biocontainment facilities. Mark has extensive experience spanning more than 23 years of problem solving worldwide, and also a broad portfolio of allied skills such as auditing and project management as well as developing wider skills including training and authoring.
Mark is currently appointed to MORU (the Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit in Bangkok, Thailand) as the Project manager for the DTRA/BTRP (US Defense Threat Reduction Agency/ Biological Threat Reduction Programme) funded project to renovate the Regional Reference Laboratory (RRL) for FMD (foot and mouth disease) for Southeast Asia located at Pak Chong in Thailand; Mark is also appointed a as technical expert to the Dutch NAC (National Authority for Containment) as the biocontainment engineer advising the 5 person WHO GAPIII PEF (polio essential facility) audit team. In the recent past Mark has acted as the interim Senior Biocontainment Engineer for DEFRA (Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs UK). Mark was Key Expert 4 on the EU CBRN CoE Project 46 during which he developed and delivered training to Engineers, Architects and Scientists from 8 ASEAN countries on ‘Laboratory Design, Construction, Operation and Management’ including the production of a booklet “A broad introduction to the design and construction of biosafety laboratories in low-resource settings”. Mark was also a contributor to the recently released WHO LBM4 monograph on Laboratory Design & Maintenance, and is a volunteer on the Sandia National Laboratories (US) twinning programme. Mark is currently a member of the ISO TS 7446 Writing Team working on a guidance document in support of ISO 35001, Biorisk management for laboratories and other related organisations. Mark lives in Cornwall in the UK.
Mark specialises in peer review and is also often invited as a technical expert to join on the expert panel of structured risk assessment teams (SWIFT, HAZOP etc.) on critical systems such as EDS (effluent decontamination systems), autoclaves, and high containment HVAC & Controls. During his time at Defra Mark worked closely with the Functional Safety specialist contractor at Defra working to satisfy HSE (Health and Safety Executive) requirements. This interest in Functional safety and structured risk assessments was first kindled during the initial response to the HSE investigations after the 2007 FMD Outbreak in the UK and Mark worked closely with HSE delivering a £3M+ project to enhance the safety systems in place at both the Pirbright and Compton sites of the Institute for Animal Health (Pirbright Laboratory).
Academic Education and Degrees
- B.Eng (Hons) Building Services Engineering Design & Managment
- HNC Instrumentation and Control Engineering
- ONC Electrical and Electronc Engineering
- ONC Mechanical and Production Engineering
- ONC (level II) Building Services Engineering
Present Professional Position
- Director, Environment & Services Ltd.; Biocontainment Engineer
- Project Manager: MORU-DTRA refurbishment of FMD RRL in Southeast Asia(BTRP)