Past EBSA courses

  1. 20 April 2015

    EBSA18 - Course G - Sustainable and Safe laboratories

    Energy efficiency is a valuable means to address the unprecedented challenges we face resulting from increased dependence on energy imports, scarce energy resources, climate change, and the need to overcome the economic crisis.

  2. 20 April 2015

    EBSA18 - Course F - Beyond Biosafety – Occupational health in a laboratory setting

    Biohazards are only part of the many hazards present in microbiological laboratories and Biosafety Professionals may be unaware of the overlaps between their own discipline and other health fields. 

  3. 20 April 2015

    EBSA18 - Course E - Preventing exposure to biological agents in BSL2 laboratories, learning from the best practice in containment and understanding the inherit risks from equipment.

    Preventing exposure to hazardous agents has long been a driving force within high containment facilities, but BSL2 laboratories are often seen as safe ground.

  4. 20 April 2015

    EBSA18 - Course D - Personal protection equipment (PPE) – what to wear and what NOT to wear - Can you trust your PPE? Who guarantees that?

    This course will both give a theoretical overview of the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) in BSL2 and
    BSL3 laboratories and also practical experience with different sorts of PPE.

  5. 20 April 2015

    EBSA18 - Course C - Challenges ofnew genetic techniques for biosafety

    What is exactly new about ‘new techniques’ and are these ‘new’ techniques inherently associated with ‘new’ risks? What is synthetic biology and to which extent its areas of research become part of current research conducted by your colleagues ? What are the aspects a biosafety officer should look for when conducting a risk assessment? What is meant by ‘safety by design’ and what are possibilities and limitations?

  6. 20 April 2015

    EBSA18 - Course B - Design and Implementation of a Biorisk Management System

    Recent breaches of biosafety and biosecurity have emphasised that management failure is normally the root cause of accidents and incidents with biological agents and toxins. Implementation of a systematic biorisk management system, e.g. adopting the CWA 15793 can help organisations manage these risks. 

  7. 20 April 2015

    EBSA18 - Course A - Better biological risk assessment using appropriate methodologies and tools

    Management of risks related to activities with hazardous biological material, be it research, development, production or diagnostics, requires risk assessment at various stages of the activity. To begin with, the hazards of the various biological materials used need to be estimated. Techniques of genetic engineering allow for significant reconstruction of organisms involving synthetic DNA and RNA, viral vectors, plasmids and inserts from all sorts of different organisms. 

  8. 13 May 2014

    EBSA17 - Course J - Introduction to behavior-based safety

    This introductory course is for  safety professionals or managers having +5 years of professional experience. In this highly interactive course attendees will systematically gain insight in the principles of behavior based safety and gradually learn to set up the foundations of a behavior based safety management system. Attendees will receive some practical guidance on how to promote safe behavior.

  9. 13 May 2014

    EBSA17 - Course I -Biosafety contribution to responsible science

    The vast majority of biologists enter the field because they have a passion to make the world better by understanding organisms and the systems they live in.  We dream of improving the world's health through combatting disease, improving nutrition and protecting species and the environment.