About EBSA16 - Course G. Biological materials - known and unknown hazards

EBSA16 - Course G. Biological materials - known and unknown hazards


Dana Brehar-Cioflec, National Institute of Public Health, Timisoara/RO 
Franziska Enderle, University Hospital Zurich/CH

Have you ever been in a situation where you had to deal with biological material and had no clue what kind of pathogens it might contain? Have you wondered whether these specimens were containing higher risk group agents than group 1 or 2. Have you wondered how to keep yourself and your colleagues safe when dealing with these specimens whether in research or diagnostics, specifically when it came to  processing large numbers of samples ?

Connected to the present dynamics in the field of microbiology and epidemiology of infectious diseases new biological agents keep emerging as well as changes occurring in previously known agents exhibiting new features in terms of pathogenicity, virulence and resistance patterns.

In this context, additional or different containment measures, procedures, equipment might have to be developed and best adapted to emerging situations. Furthermore, and very importantly, a best strategy needs to be developed to organize the activity and thus keep the balance between the best quality and timeliness of test results and the best possible protection of both laboratory staff and the environment. Last but not least, consideration has to be given to technical requirements for laboratory equipment to ensure the safe processing of "unknown" specimens and still avoid excessive expenses and possible "overkills" (shooting sparrows with cannonballs).

There are no simple and unique answers to such questions but there is a wide variety of useful information sources and methodology to support biosafety professionals worldwide to adapt and upgrade the activity in their institutions to match these challenges posed by biological hazards.

Lectures will alternate with interactive sessions during which participants are expected to share knowledge and cooperate in formulating relevant questions and proposing solutions according to a defined risk evaluation methodology. The international and European regulations and recommendations will be highlighted and relevant references and links will be provided.