About EBSA15 - Course A. Emergency Preparedness and Contingency Planning (full day)
EBSA15 - Course A. Emergency Preparedness and Contingency Planning (full day)
Walter Kempenaers, Perseus BVBA, Zwijnaarde/B
Patrick Rüdelsheim, Perseus BVBA Zwijnaarde/B
From minor lab mishaps to large accidents, the biosafety professional has a central role in minimizing unwanted effects of biological agents when normal biosafety or biosecurity operational controls fail.
The course introduces participants to Emergency Management and its key phases:
Preparedness, Response, Recovery and Mitigation. The Emergency Management scheme will be applied to incidents and accidents with limited impact. Examples will be developed on how a biosafety professional can prepare for such events, respond, keep records and identify effective corrective actions. The course will further develop on preventing and managing major emergency situations, e.g., major spills and other unintentional releases, fire, medical, power failures, security incidents, natural disasters, and any other emergency situations, involving biological material. Emphasizing the importance of the human factor, effective training programmes as well as principles of crisis communication will be discussed.
On this basis the participants shall be able to develop an Emergency Management plan and advise on its implementation.