About EBSA13 - Course C Management Systems, CWA 15793 and Implementation of Biorisk Management (full day)

EBSA13 - Course C Management Systems, CWA 15793 and Implementation of Biorisk Management (full day)

Goedele De Bruyne, European Commission Joint Research Center, Brussels/B
Philippe Stroot, Xibios - Biosafety Consulting, Tournai/B

Short description:
The purpose of this interactive seminar is to present the principles of integrated risk management systems and explore ways to develop effective biorisk management in an institution. After an introduction to ISO14001 and OHSAS18001, the laboratory biorisk management standard CWA15793 will be presented, compared and discussed. Different ways to use the standard will be considered, together with its possible integration into other management systems in place or to be created. The issue of a possible certification will also be discussed. The seminar will be illustrated by examples of systems integration and a few exercises.