Welcome to EBSA

Dear ##firstname## ##lastname##,

Welcome to EBSA !

Your EBSA membership has been activated upon request from Olena Kysil at the Robert Koch Institute.

You will be able to login with your email address as username and the password we have given to start up ##startwachtwoord##. 

Please go to your profile page on our website and update your information. This will allow other members to get to know you, contact you and also you contact others whom are workiing in the same field of biosafety or biosecurity.

Step one - login
Step 2

The most important options for members are

  1. At the top "Member news" where you can start to share information or start a discussion or interact with other members.
  2. At the bottom the "Log out" option so you can safely logout when you are not working on your personal device and nobody can get into your account.
  3. Your personal profile forms, invoices overview and your attended event/course overview.

Your info is not correct or missing in this list ?

Check out our calendar for events and courses. Apart from the EBSA exclusive calendars you will also find calendars open for ALL events and courses related to biosafety and biosecurity.

If you know of a biosafety/biosecurity event you want mentioned in the calendar, you can use the submit buttons at the bottom of each calendar page to submit your event or course information.

After review we will add it into our calendars and inform you.

But most of all we want to grow our EBSA community and that means that all of you should get involved!

+32 9 233 48 66
ebsa-office@ebsaweb.eu | ebsaweb.eu
Kerkstraat 108 - 9050 Gentbrugge - Belgium

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