EBSA 2024

Dear ##firstname## ##lastname##,

We would like to inform you on our upcoming events in 2024.

Dear ##firstname## ##lastname##,

Your EBSA membership is up for renewal.

You have a yearly expiring membership of 40 euro incl. 21% VAT.

On January 10th the automated renewal invoice for your membership 2024 with payment link will be sent out.

Should you wish to upgrade your membership into a 4-year membership (140 euro incl. 21% VAT) and save 20 euro, please click on the button below so we can send you the correct invoice.

You have a 4-yearly expiring membership of 140 euro incl. 21% VAT. 

The renewal will be for the following period 2024-2027

On January 10th 2024, the automated renewal invoice for your membership with payment link will be sent out.

If you changed jobs during the last year and did not update your online profile, please login and check your invoicing details.

Please pay your membership fee on time so you do not miss out on the online courses and webinars we will organise throughout this year.

The invoice will also be visible in your personal membership area on our website under "My invoices" (only available after login)

Should you wish to updat or change your membership, please let us know by e-mail to ebsa-office@ebsaweb.eu

EBSA Thursday - How ISO standards and technical specifications can support you in your daily life as BSO (and how you can support ISO with your technical knowledge as BSO)

Speaker: Ursula Jenal

This is a free members only event!

Check out the information and register now!

EBSA Conference 202 and Preconference courses

Antwerp, Belgium
14-15 May 2024 - Preconference courses
16-17 May 2024 - Conference

Check out all information here


+32 9 233 48 66
ebsa-office@ebsaweb.eu | ebsaweb.eu
Kerkstraat 108 - 9050 Gentbrugge - Belgium

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