BBP aims at bringing together biosafety professionals to share experience, to be informed on developments and to anticipate upcoming issues, as well as providing a focused and structured dialogue on biosafety and biorisk management.
In order to ensure the operations of BBP, we have an enthusiastic Steering Team that guides BBP in its tasks, each ST member having its own experience and strengths.
Next term we have three open mandates in the BBP steering team. So therefore this call to all our members that wish to contribute more actively to the activities of BBP.
If there would be more candidates than available positions, elections will be organized in January 2024.
The BBP Steering Team meets around 10 times a year (mostly online) to discuss relevant developments, and make preparations for its activities.
If you are interested and have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by email ( Deadline for submitting a candidature is December 29th, 2023.
You want to be part of the Steering team ? Just send an email to with your name and affiliation.
If elections follow, you will also be asked to send us a motivation.
Best regards,
Isabelle, Evi, Liesbeth, Pascale and Elisabeth |