Welcome to EBSA

Dear ##firstname## ##lastname##,

Welcome to EBSA !

The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine registered you to attend a course next Tuesday, September 20th, starting at 10:00 CET

In order for you to have access to the material for the course we made you an account on our website.

You will be able to login with your email address as username and the password we have given to start up ##startwachtwoord##. 

I will now start registering everybody as meeting attendee. Once you are registered you wil receive an automated mail with all information on how to join this course on Tuesday.

Step one - login
Step 2

The most important options for you as a registered user (non-member)

  1. Check out the "My EBSA & BBP events"
    Here you will find the list of the courses you have registered for (as soon as I start entering the registrations this afternoon).
  2. At the bottom the "Log out" option so you can safely logout when you are not working on your personal device and nobody can get into your account.
+32 9 233 48 66
ebsa-office@ebsaweb.eu | ebsaweb.eu
Kerkstraat 108 - 9050 Gentbrugge - Belgium

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