EBSA, May 14-17 2024, Antwerp

Dear ##firstname## ##lastname##,

Please find below:

  • An overview of the different events that you have registered for
  • A link to check and update:
    • your details on the eventbadge
    • your diet restrictions
    • your emergency contact details
    • Extra conference event registrations:
      • Social event on May 14th
      • Opening reception on May 15th
      • Break-out sessions on May 17th

Please try to fill this out before Tuesday May 7th 12:00 CET
as this is the final moment to send the program booklet to the printer.

Next Wednesday you will also get a mail to download and logon
to our conference app on your mobile device.

Your poster at the EBSA conference:


Your hotel reservation info:


If your dates changed, please contact EBSA Office with the correct date of arrival and departure so I can contact the hotel to update your information.

Your registration overview

Pre conference course A - Biological Risk Assessment – from paper to practice

The course starts at 13:00 CET on Tuesday May 14th.

Your are welcome to join the lunch at 12:00 CET

VESTAR conference center
Van Diepenbeeckstraat 12
2018 Antwerp

Check out the course details
Pre conference course B - Auditing: a comprehensive and practical introduction

The course starts at 09:00 CET on Tuesday May 14th.

Institute of Tropical Medicine
Nationalestraat 155
2000 Antwerp

Check out the course details
Pre conference course C - Field Biosafety perspectives on One Health: From sampling multiple species to working in a Mobile Lab

The course starts at 13:00 CET on Tuesday May 14th.

Your are welcome to join the lunch at 12:00 CET

VESTAR conference center
Van Diepenbeeckstraat 12
2018 Antwerp

Check out the course details
Pre conference course D - Mastering BSL-3 Laboratory Operations Throughout Its Lifecycle: Overcoming Challenges at Every Stage

The course starts at 09:00 CET on Tuesday May 14th.

VESTAR conference center
Van Diepenbeeckstraat 12
2018 Antwerp

Check out the course details
Pre conference course E - Basics in Biosecurity

The course starts at 09:00 CET on Tuesday May 14th.

VESTAR conference center
Van Diepenbeeckstraat 12
2018 Antwerp

Check out the course details
Pre conference course F - How to contain insects: challenges to be overcome when working with invasive species, genetically modified insects and on pathogen-vector interactions

The course starts at 09:00 CET on Tuesday May 14th.



Check out the course details
Pre conference course G - Safety equipment in contained laboratories: from the biosafety cabinet to individual protection, a practical approach

The course starts at 09:00 CET on Tuesday May 15th.

VESTAR conference center
Van Diepenbeeckstraat 12
2018 Antwerp

Check out the course details
Pre conference course H - Key challenges to assessing training & competency

The course starts at 09:00 CET on Tuesday May 15th.

VESTAR conference center
Van Diepenbeeckstraat 12
2018 Antwerp

Check out the course details
Pre conference course I - Synthetic Biology; from Mainstream to Counterculture – Theory, Practice & Safety

The course starts at 13:00 CET on Tuesday May 15th.

Your are welcome to join the lunch at 12:00 CET

VESTAR conference center
Van Diepenbeeckstraat 12
2018 Antwerp

Check out the course details
EBSA conference
  • Opening reception on May 15th at 17:30 CET
  • 2 day conference on May 16th and 17th, registration as of 8:00 CET

VESTAR conference center
Van Diepenbeeckstraat 12
2018 Antwerp

Check out the conference details
EBSA Conference dinner

You are registered for the conference dinner on May 16th at 19:30 CET at the conference location.

If you should decide not to attend please contact the EBSA Office at ebsa-office@ebsaoffice.eu.


+32 9 233 48 66
ebsa-office@ebsaweb.eu | ebsaweb.eu
Kerkstraat 108 - 9050 Gentbrugge - Belgium

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